Sunday, December 6, 2009

Head for a different target

The female astronaut certainly could start pushing papers, making speeches, lobbying members of Congress, & working within NASA to redirect the agency's value in resuming moon walks.

Are other options available? ALWAYS!! Perhaps our astronaut could strive to be the first person to walk on Mars, a pioneer for some element of the space station, or just a person who sets a new type of record for endurance or performance in space.


Work for change

In the first scenario, the brilliant political science student certainly could work towards enacting change, enabling people who are 28 or perhaps 25 to run the Senate. I think it's wonderful idea. The brilliant minds among us who are less than 30 years old who could do a bang-up job.

When u consider the performance of some current Senators, the argument is all the more sound.

Nevertheless, a challenging but reachable goal, in this case, would be to become a senator by age 30, which, on rare occasions, has been achieved by a few people.


Badly going where no one has gone before

In these scenarios, the goals set by the individuals are challenging but unreachable.

As a general principle, if ur goals involves achieving something that no one in history has achieved, such as redirecting large institutions or a government agency or vastly exceeding ur organization's histori al norms, it's reasonably safe to conclude that the goal u've chosen is unreachable. Notice that i didnt say unworthy or unmerited.


Challenging but Reachable.

Suppose u're 25 years old, have just graduated with a Ph.D in political science from an outstanding university, & u're considered brilliant by everyone who knows u. Ur goal is to become a Senator within the next 3years. U have the academic credentials, family background, connections, good appearance, strong voice, & well-developed views that foster a constituency in contemporary society.

The only problem is that ur goal is unreachable. WHY? U forgot the one thing about running for the Senate. U have to be at least 30 years old.

Not totally out of the question, u say? U could lobby members of board to bring about change. Perhaps 28 should be the minimum. After all, in many respects, people are more knowledgeable today than their counterparts of generations ago.

Even if u could start working to have this reform enacted, is it likely that it would happen in time for you to run for the office & be elected by age 28? If so, it's a long shot.

Suppose u're a woman in NASA & aspire to be the first woman to walk on the moon. NASA has no plans for having any "manned" probesto the moon scheduled for the next three decades.

So, what's an ambitious female astronaut to do? Get into the policy & planning division of NASA, redirect toward the moon, & then find a way to be in the next ship headed there?

Keep reading.....


Friday, December 4, 2009

Developing Effective Goal-Setting Techniques

Goal setting is a complex process that takes into account a person's psychological & physiological makeup. Because u read this :) with the express purpose of getting to the root of what it takes to set & reach ur goals, though, im going to clear away all the excess & boil down goal setting to the absolute fundamentals.

U only need to be aware of three elements. So, drum roll please...... hehe
  • ur goal needs to be challenging but reachable.
  • ur goal has to be quantifiable.
  • ur goal needs to be associated with some timeline.

Later we will look at each elements in details.

Go for the gold!! ----> The mere fact that u made a resolution often means that there is a larger issue behind it that is valid & worth tackling.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Goal setting for the New Year.

Legions of people commit the all too common mistake of setting goals for the new year. Such New Year's resolutions hardly ever result in the outcome the person making the resolution wanted. WHY?

Resolutions usually are designed to fix or improve a surface problem or concern or habit in life without looking at the root cause og our dissatisfaction. People have too much stress or too many preoccupcation, they will not be likely to muster the energy needed to sustain a commitment to that resolution.

Ig u told me that this year, u're going to take more vacations or lose 10kg, i'd be willing to believe that u're probably working long & hard, so the idea of vacations came to u. Perhaps u're a little overweight & the idea of losing weights is appealing.

So, as the new year rolls around, go ahead & make resolutions if it makes u feel better, BUT recognize that unless u put effort behind them, they'll be useless gestures. U'll examine New Year's resolutions, their origins, the reason people make them. & ways to put some punch behind them!

Good Luck,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Assumptions About You!

As groundwork for this entire blog, im goint to make some assumptions about the goals u seek to persue before getting into more specific information about goal setting:
    • Your goals are of a positive nature. They are designed to propel u forward in your life & career.
    • Your goal do not interfere with the rights of others. They dont jeopardize anyone's safety or well-being.
    • Your goals, however outrageous or lofty, are based on reality - eg: your goals are not to return to year 1820, become immortal, or distort the fundamental atomic structure.
    • You intend to support your goals through energy & effort.
If your goals dont fit what ive described here, stop reading!

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