Monday, November 23, 2009

Wishes Can Lose Power

One of the dangers of continually wishing without taking action toward thise wishes is that your wish actually begins to lose power. Have u ever wanted something so badly or for so long, done little to achieve it, & then one day realized that u didnt really want it after all? SURE we all have.

What happens when u continually want something but make no effort whatsoever to achieve it? In a sense, u're confusing your inner being. On the other hand, part if u is longing for what u dont have. On the other hand, another part of u intrinsically recognizes that u're :
*making no plans
*expending no energy
*taking no action

That part of u concludes that u dont really want this after all. Therefore, u are in a state of perpetual frustration. U apparently want something & concurrently are behaviourally locked from taking action.


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