Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The sword in the stone.

Certainly, after achieving a desirable outcome, u're not fixed in stone, u can set new goals beyond those u've achieved. It's also very important that u enjoy urself in the persuit of ur goal.

U've heard the old expression,"Life is a journey,not a destination." So too, pursuit of your goals is as much a journey as a destination. As a classic illustration, what value would ur goal have if it was to earn a million dollars, but u chewed up 30 years of your life earning that million, were miserable all that time, & now have nothing to show for it but the money, all other aspects of ur life suffered?

On the other hand,
- Teachers who want to empower their students
- Spouses who want to have strong & happy marriages


Monday, November 23, 2009

What is goal?

"Okay," u asked, "what specifically is a goal?" So much has been written about goals over the years that i hardly know where to begin. Because this is a guidance for us all, ill give u what u want! hard-core information down to its essence :)

Im going to give u the practical & simple definition of goal! Here it is in three words: a desired outcome. That says it all:
* "Desired" says it's something u're seeking, something u want, & something u're willing to strive for & lend energy for.
* "Outcome" means a result. It's a situation u can describe, an achievement to which u can point & a feeling that is real & unmistakable.

In ur own life, if u wish upon a star, or say one thing but do something entirely different, is it likely u're going to achieve any of ur goals? NOT!


Wishes Can Lose Power

One of the dangers of continually wishing without taking action toward thise wishes is that your wish actually begins to lose power. Have u ever wanted something so badly or for so long, done little to achieve it, & then one day realized that u didnt really want it after all? SURE we all have.

What happens when u continually want something but make no effort whatsoever to achieve it? In a sense, u're confusing your inner being. On the other hand, part if u is longing for what u dont have. On the other hand, another part of u intrinsically recognizes that u're :
*making no plans
*expending no energy
*taking no action

That part of u concludes that u dont really want this after all. Therefore, u are in a state of perpetual frustration. U apparently want something & concurrently are behaviourally locked from taking action.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

What is a goal as opposed to a wish?

A wish versus a goal :
"I wish i could get a big raise"
"I wish i could save some money"
"I wish i could travel around the world"
If you have had any such wishes recently or over the years, it is likely you have made any progress toward them? If you hear others make such wishes, do you suspect for a second they're actually going to attain them? HARDLY.
A wish is a daydream, a fleeting fantasy about how things might be. It might be one time or recurring. It might be within or totally beyond the realms of possiblility. The common demonitor of all wishes is that they are not attached to a plan of action.

Wishes have their places:
Im not knocking wishes, they do have places. Wishes, fantacies, & daydreams all serve a purpose, including these;
- they temporarily relieve you from a trying situation.
- they build up your anticipation for something for something that might occur in the future.
- they help you to see new possibilities.
- they lay the groundwork for what might become a goal.
The last purpose is particularly worth examing. A wish can be the forerunner to a goal. In other words, by wishing something were so, you might take steps to make it so. The gap for many people between wishing & TAKING ACTION, however is large. Too many people, I fear, are content to wish their lives away.
"I wish I could lose 10pounds"
"I wish I could get the boss to notice me"
"I wish I had the time to take my kids to the circus"

Think about this, we'll continue next on 'Wishes can lose power....'


Friday, November 20, 2009

All About Goals

So, you have a goal or two you'd like to achieve. What will it actually take to make this goal a reality in your life? heck, you can be setting goals from now until your dying day, but that doesn't mean you're going to reach any of them.

You're a serious type of person, though, and you dont intend to engage in idle fantasy. This time around, you aim to reach your goals.

You know what? You actually can! You have what it takes to make your goals a reality. Otherwise, you you would had such notion to begin with. Although people around you are setting goals in an almost frivolous manner (making a NEW YEAR's resolution that is all but forgotten within 3 days), you're different. You've got some specific things you want to achieve, a quality of life you want to attain, and even certain ways you want to feel. You're not going to settle for symbolic success...you WANT the real deal!! IF so...what is a goal as opposed to a wish??

to be continued....


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Healthy Food Daily

Healthy Food Daily

Reaching Your Goals

Guess what?!
You offer great financial advice, give the best directions, & can do what seems hard & difficult on others easily! BUT when it comes to making you own goals a reality, you can start crying for your mommy while calling your psychic friend.
HANG UP the phone & stop your sobbing! Im here to guide us with guidelines to setting & reaching your goals in every aspect of your life. From saving money to devoting more time to family and friends, you'll turn your wish & dreams into reality!

Have faith,
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